How to convert LPWAVE and LPCWAVE file to MDIF AWR format?

June 12, 2024


Symptoms / Solutions:

To convert LPWAVE or LPCWAVE to MDIF – Microwave Office format do the following:

  1. Go to “Utilities” menu and select “File Converter…”

  1. Select file LPWAVE or LCWAVE file you want to convert

  1. Select “Microwave Office Format” in the Format combo box.

  1. Select “AB Wave” in “Output Type” combo box

  1. The MDIF file format for Microwave Office (AWR) requires that the original file has Psource[dBm] parameter measured. Also If the measurement is done at F0 frequency Target@GL@F0 and TaregtPhiL@F0[deg] is required for Load and Target@GS@F0 and TaregtPhiS@F0[deg] for source. Table below summerizes target parameters required for a specific frequency and side of the measurement.

  1. Click on “Convert” button to generate MDIF (.mdf) file

Keywords: MDIF, AWR, convert, file, converter, LPWAVE, LPCWAVE

Last date modified:  27 Feb 2017