New Patent: Compact Two Probe Impedance Tuner

May 31, 2019


An automated “double-decker” slide screw impedance tuner uses two tuning probes, independently movable inside two stacked circular slablines, which lie flat on the bench table. The eccentrically self-rotating disc probes are mounted at the end of rotating radial arm-carriages, the total mechanism operating in a planetary configuration. The radial arms are mounted one above and one below the whole structure. The rotation of the arms control the phase of Gamma and the self-rotation of the disc probes controls the amplitude. The length (footprint) of the tuner, compared with traditional “linear” tuners, is reduced by a factor of 5 to 9, depending of the minimum frequency of operation.

Filed: 7 August 2015

Allowed: 30 November 2016