Can I calculate a new parameter from existing measurements

June 12, 2024

Data Explorer

Symptoms / Solutions:

Starting with version 3.3 of FDCS software it is possible to add new data to a file thru Data Explorer after measurement is done.  To add a new data to an existing file, in the Data Explorer open the file you would like to update. Go to File Content -> Table View.

In the Table View toolbar click on Add Column button and Equation Editor will open.

In the Equation Editor enter a name of the new parameter and unit if applicable.

Select one of the supported output types.


-Real, Imaginary

-Magnitude, Phase

Enter equation to be used to calculate new data. You can type the equation in the Equation section or you can use selection tables to avoid syntax errors.

If complex number is to be used use following format: X + Yi

Where X is real number and Y is imaginary number.

To insert new data to the file click on Save button located at the bottom of the Equation Editor dialog box.

You can store your equation for later use by saving it in Saved Equation table. To save equation, click on Save button located beside Saved Equation table.

To restore the equation, select equation in the Saved Equation table and click on Insert button.

Keywords: software, data viewer, equation editor, new parameter

Last date modified:  13/04/2017